Thursday 18 December 2014


Sorry this is kinda late, but I had to go to Ikea and I just go home,

Work on the commercial presentation due tomorrow

Answer to yesterdays riddle was: John

Bye ):

Wednesday 17 December 2014


Today for homework we have:

Math project due Friday (car)

Answer to yesterdays riddle was: He never died.

Riddle me this:
Kristen's boyfriend John has a dad. His dad has 3 sons, Snap, crackle AND ... What's the name of the 3rd son?

Tuesday 16 December 2014


Today for homework we have:

Math project due tomorrow (car only)

Logo due tomorrow

Scratch due Friday Click here for the Studio

Drama presentation tomorrow

Don't forget tomorrow is PIZZA DAY:)

Dance is Friday, $2 admission

The answer to yesterday's riddle: a Candle.

Riddle me this:

  1. Why can't a man living in the USA be buried in Canada?


Monday 15 December 2014


Hey guys,

Today for homework we have:
-Work on the car (make sure to have it on Wed.)
You can stay after school tomorrow to work on it

- Science sheet due next science class

-Practice Drama

- Sheet on the dove "film"

- Logo for your food product

Riddle me this: I'm tall when I'm young and short when I'm old. What am I?

Friday 12 December 2014


Hey guys,

The homework is:
Work on the car

Answer to yesterdays riddle was: Towel

Thursday 11 December 2014


Hey guys,

We don't have homework for today but we have:

French quiz tomorrow on past tense verbs.

Science quiz tomorrow on:
what a FLUID is
PARTICLE THEORY (grade 7, thermal expansion/contraction)
what UNIT of measurement is used for Solids/Liquids/Gasses
Formulas for Density, Mass, and Volume (Men Drink Vodka)

Don't forget that tomorrow is CRAZY DAY!!! SO DRESS UP (IF YOU WANT)

Answer to yesterdays riddle was: Snail

Riddle me this:
What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

Wednesday 10 December 2014


For homework we have:
-Science sheet
-Health true or false
-Math project (Don't forget to bring in materials)
-French quiz Friday on Past tense verbs
- Science quiz Friday

For quiz, KNOW:

what a FLUID is
PARTICLE THEORY (grade 7, thermal expansion/contraction)
what UNIT of measurement is used for Solids/Liquids/Gasses
Formulas for Density, Mass, and Volume (Men Drink Vodka)

Answer to yesterdays riddle was: Holes

Riddle me this:
What has a foot but no legs?

Don' forget band concert tonight, starts at 6:30 but students in band/strings have to be their 6:00

Tuesday 9 December 2014


Hey guys, so today's homework is:
- Buy your materials for math
- Finish geo
-Finish language sheets

Don't forget that we're presenting our drama skits tomorrow

 Answer to yesterdays riddle is: 11

Riddle me this:
What can you put in a box to make it lighter?


Monday 8 December 2014



Answer to Fridays riddle was: Tongue

Riddle me this:
How many letters are in the alphabet?

Thursday 4 December 2014


Hey guys,

Remember there's no school tomorrow so I hope you guys have a wonderful long weekend.

Anyway this is the homework
-Practice drama
-Finish health true or false questions
-Work on your art (optional)
-Math pg. 40 #5,6,10,14,17,18

Don't forget we have a math test Monday right before lunch.
This is what you should know for the test:
-The formula for the area of a circle and the circumference
-How to construct a circle using a compass and a straight edge or a bisector with a ruler and protractor when given 3 points on the paper.

Remember to bring your own compass, protractor and ruler because if he runs out, then your screwed.

In the afternoon on Monday we are going to Square one and we are allowed to purchase lunch their, so if you would like to buy lunch don't forget your money. I know that they have Burger King, KFC and more casse-croutes dans au centre-commercial. Here's a list of all the places you can eat :

Answer to yesterdays riddle was: The doctor was his mom

Todays riddle is really stupid.

Todays riddle is: What tastes better than it smells?
The answer to the riddle will be posted Monday

Bye y'all

Wednesday 3 December 2014


We have Math homework pg 44 questions 1-4 6-8, 10,12

Answer to yesterdays riddle was:The bear was white

Today's riddle is easy

Riddle me this:
 A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed. Two ambulances came and took them to different hospitals.The man's son was in was in the operating room and the doctor said "I cant operate on you.You are my son"
How is that possible?

Answer to the riddle will be posted on tomorrows blog.

Tuesday 2 December 2014


We have no homework today, except don't forget to bring in your form for the Xbox trip and the $4.

Answer to yesterdays riddle was: 3 socks

Today's riddle is: You go on vacation to a cabin with a unique feature; any time that you could look out a window, you will always be looking south. You look out a window on your second day there and see a bear. What colour is the bear?

Monday 1 December 2014


We also have a French tittle page due tomorrow.


Math page 32 questions  3-7
Is Lord of the flies a dystopia? Explain...

Riddle me this:
All of my socks are blue, except two.
All of my socks are red, except two.
All of my socks are brown, except two.
 How many socks do I have?

Answer in the comments down below.

I shall tell the class the answer tomorrow.


Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...