Friday 27 February 2015



Sorry I didnt update the blog yesterday, I had ski club

Math quiz on tree diagram/probability Monday

French tittle page due Monday. Make sure its colured and it has the names of the animals on it, for it to be"complete"

Were presenting our slam poem Monday,

Poetry book will be due sometime later next week.

What color do you think is the dress?

Wednesday 25 February 2015



We have:


Any poem of your choice presentation tomorrow


Math test NOT Friday

French tittle page due Friday 

Don't forget the forms for the grad trip are due next Friday

Tuesday 24 February 2015



For homework we have:

Math sheet

Language assessment tomorrow

Slam poem presentation FRIDAY!!!!!!


Monday 23 February 2015



For homework we have:


Work on poetry, I'm not sure when were presenting but I think its Wednesday (not sure)

Have a slam poem ready for Friday because we might present them

Work on art because were starting new pieces of art next class.

Language assessment tomorrow 


Friday 20 February 2015


Hey dudes its Delila again! (PARTY)

Anyway for homework we have:

French test

Math pg. 112 1-7

Work on poems (if you would like)

Were starting a new piece in art next class, so if you haven't finished the hand, eye, or horse (you have to hand in two) I suggest you do.

Finish the drawing of a word ( we were working on in class last period) Not sure when its due but I suggest you have it done by Monday.

Popcorn sold Monday (Don't forget your money)

Optical illusion:) Stare at the red dot on his nose for 30 seconds, then look at your wall!


Wednesday 18 February 2015

Math test tomorrow try your best and good luck

Science read pg106-110 and answer questions 1-9 on pg112 (will have time to do tomorrow in class)

That's it so good luck tomorrow on the test

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Math pg 107 #7-10,12,14,15,16,18

Science questions all on pg 105 due next science class

French presentations tomorrow

Math test on Friday

Grad picture day on Tuesday the 24th

Thursday 12 February 2015

Study your lines for French presentations on Tuesday

Science questions due Tuesday (pg105 all questions)
But mr cook told me to write don t do homework so .....don't do homework

Also damn this video is awesomeeeeeeeeee (Mr.Cook u will like this as well)

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Science drawing due tomorrow

Math pg 104 # 4-9

Study your lines for French presentations on Tuesday

Science questions due Tuesday (pg105 all questions)

Also Mr.cook said you should finish your sonnet soon considering its going in your poem book

Monday 9 February 2015

Science drawing due Thursday

Math pg 108 # 1-13

Study your lines for French

Class partyyyyyyy on Wednesday bring bareeeeee stuff like video games food drinks ......anything school appropriate haha .....yaaaaaaaaaa have fun!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Science drawing due Thursday {Cook changed it but you have more time so it should be amazing}

Math sheet we got today due tomorrow

CLASS PARTY ON WEDNESDAY 11th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Alsoooooo check out this great slam poem #sick#prettycool

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Science drawing due Monday {be neat and label}

Math page 86 #8,9,10,12,17,18,19,23

Drama tomorrow and uhhhhhhh that's it

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Math test tomorrow on dividing and multiplying fractions

Literature circles due tomorrow as well

Science drawing due Monday {be neat and label}

Gym tomorrow don't forget gym clothes

Sunday 1 February 2015

Work on vocal
Math project due Tuesday
Math questions pg 94 # 5-8,10,12

Literature circles due Wednesday

Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...