Thursday 16 October 2014

The wonderful humans of 8B are HAVING A PARTY!


To celebrate 1/5th of the year being over (!), we’re having a class feast!  On Friday October 24th, starting at 12:35pm we will be hanging out together in class for the afternoon.  There will be food, games, movies, and hanging out together. To that end, I would like each student who is able to bring in enough ‘real’ food to be able to feed 5 people.  Not a lot, but if everyone does, we’ll have lots to share.

It would also be preferable if students were to bring in something that they love or want to share or that is part of their heritage.  Our class is so diverse, it’s always really cool to share those parts of our life that other people don’t see at school. Food is such a communal event, positive, and delicious, and bringing the class of 8B together to share is always such a great time.

If you could help in any way I, and us, would be very grateful. Cutlery I will get, along with plates and napkins.  All we need is a little food.

Thanks in advance!

If you have any questions please email or call the school.

Fergus Cook

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Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

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