Thursday 29 January 2015

Work on vocal

Math project due Tuesday

Literature questions due sometime next week{ Mr,Cook will tell us tomorrow}

Math homework pg 90 #5,8,11,13,15 due tomorrow 

Good luck 

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Work on vocal

Math project due Tuesday

Read next part of novel

Wednesday 21 January 2015

 Work on memorizing a song to sing with a partner for vocals ( don't have to memorize)

Read next part of your novel

Literature sheet due Monday

Geo quiz along with mini geo project on Monday

Math kite project {will be explained next math class}
Food SAle tomorrow

Anything you bring you can leave in mr.cooks room or michailidis room tomo and he will " protect it" that's it have fun and good luck tomo

Tuesday 20 January 2015

                                                          Homework broskies

 French test  tomorrow on past tense regular and irregular verbs
Work on making your own song for Vocals

Work on memorizing a song to sing with a partner for vocals

Read next part of your novel

Literature sheet due Monday

Geo quiz along with mini geo project on Monday

Math kite project {will be explained next math class}





Monday 19 January 2015


English literature circles due tomorrow

Read your next book section

Posters for product due tomorrow as well { try to make different from the first}


Geo chapter 4 quiz on Monday

Geo mini-project due Monday as well

Study for health test which is tomorrow all of your sheets I heard there are a lot of questions from there

Math test tomorrow as well on the Pythagorean theorem

Also  French test  Wednesday on past tense regular and irregular verbs

Work on making your own song for Vocals

Work on memorizing a song to sing with a partner for vocals

That's a LOT but good luck to everyone and study hard peace!

Friday 16 January 2015



We have ALOT of homework and stuff,

Math Homework due Monday

Math test Tuesday

Novel questions due Monday (Not sure though)

Read the next part of your novel

French quiz coming up

French homework due Tuesday

Health test Tuesday

Geo project due ( Not sure about the due date)

Geo quiz coming up

Drama presentation next drama class

Work on Art

Work on making your own song for Vocals

Work on memorizing a song to sing with a partner for vocals ( you don't have to memorize it)

Wednesday 14 January 2015




Math test Tuesday

Science assessment Friday
Commercial due Monday

Health homework due tomorrow

Finish the 3rd part of the novel for Friday

Novel questions due Friday

Drama presentation next drama class

Geo quiz (not sure when)

Work on Art

Riddle me this:
What two things can you never eat for lunch and dinner?

Highlight this for the answer= Lunch and dinner 

Tuesday 13 January 2015


Hey dudes, its me again (obviously)

Anyway we have  homework:


Questions for novel due Friday (I think)

Commercial due Monday

Science Assessment Friday

Work on Geo Project (Optional)

Do some research on Science (optional)

People (Kristen) say we have a math test Thursday but I'm not sure we do!

Riddle me this:

2 Canadian coins add up to a dollar five. One is not a nickel. What are the coins?

Highlight everything after the equal sign for the answer= Answer= One of the coin is a dollar, the other is a nickel 

Monday 12 January 2015


Hey dudes,

For homework we have:

Math pg:73 #10,13

Health homework

Science assessment Friday

Commercial due Monday

Read next chapter of novel for Friday

Questions on novel due tomorrow

French sheet

Have fun,


Friday 9 January 2015


Sorry this is late but I have a life (shocker OMG) 

Ah lie I was at the hospital visiting a cousin.



Math homework ( Math quiz Monday on Pythagorean Theron)

Read the next part of your novel

The paper with the novel questions is due Tuesday 

Finish the French worksheet on verbs and don't forget to translate the sentences

Commercial due Next Monday 

Posters due this Monday 


Do some research on the Science project 

Do some research on the Geo project ( the place you would like to live when older thing)

Answer to yesterdays riddle was: FIREEEEE


Have an AWESOME weekend working on homework!

See you guys on Monday,

Days till school ends= 108


Thursday 8 January 2015


Hey dudes,

Sadly today for homework we have,

Health sheet on drugs

Math homework pg 60

Poster for product due  Monday

Commercial due next Monday (the Monday after we hand in the commercial)

Practice Drama


Answer top yesterdays riddle is: Everyone in the world except me.

Riddle me this:

Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?

Who's career did Ryan end today?

Wednesday 7 January 2015

VIDEOS for editing thursday

for each video you'll need to copy the link into your browser, then click "download" above the player.  then find that video and dump it into Windows Live Movie Maker.

Homework :( :( :(

Hey dudes,

While you guys are trying to crack the egg with your "biceps" I'm updating the blog :)

For homework we have:

Math worksheet

Read the first part of your novel for Friday

Science sheet ( you should have finished it in class tho ( Not too cool to say doe) )

Poster for your product is due Monday and commercial due Thursday.

Kristen is bae ( means poop in Danish :0)

Answer to yesterdays riddle was: the sons was the mans son

Today's riddle is:

Josh and Ashanth are cool. Who else is cool?

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Homework :(

Today for homework we have,

Math (pg53 #4,8,11,13,14,15)

The sheet on commercials we were working on in the bibliotheque ( Did i spell it right)

Read novel for Friday

Riddle me this:

Brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my fathers son. Who is the man?

Bye dudesssssssssss

Monday 5 January 2015

Homework (after break)

Hey dudes,

I have to continue doing the blog for 2 more weeks, so CONGRATZ two more weeks of MEEEEE ;(

Anyway for homework we have:

Science worksheet due next science class

Math homework (all questions on both pages)

Im currently watching Dr.Phil and am too lazy to add in a riddle because things are heating up!!!

So instead of looking for an interesting riddle here's an awesome question of the day!!! (I'm being sarcastic)

QOTD: Do you watch Dr.Phil or nah?

No ones probably reading this so,

xoxo gossip girl (from the show gossip girl, you probably don't understand and I'm probably talking to myself, so if anyone one of you 7 billion people are reading this, ask me about this when you see me, and i will gladly explain)

Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...