Thursday 30 April 2015


french presentation for the people who didnt do it yet tomorrow

math dog house due monday

math test wednesday

band and strings concert may 26 6:30pm

think about what you want to do for your short film

For Vocal we have...
C major next class
Triad Chords next class
Sing a Song any song next class
Compositions May 15

Wednesday 29 April 2015

The working of the homes

French presentation tomorrow for the people who didn't present

Do the Math sheet if you haven't done so due tomorrow

Band and String concert May 26 at 6:30pm

Health test tomorrow but I've heard that it's on Friday but we have Health tomorrow so the test is most likely tomorrow so study up

Think about what you want to do for your short film

For Vocal we have...
C major tomorrow
Triad Chords tomorrow
Sing a Song any song tomorrow
Compositions May 15

That it all for today cya next post  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Work that we do at home

Math sheet due tomorrow

The English sheet is not due at all but what we do have for English is that you just need to think of an idea for a short film for the English project

French Presentation TOMORROW!!! A good copy sheet/typed ou script is needed

Health test has been moved to Friday

Band and Strings concert May 26 at 6:30pm but people in band come at like 6:00pm

For Vocal we have...
C major April 30
Triad Chords April 30
Sing a Song any song April 30
Compositions May 15

That it all the homework for today (~˘3˘)~

Monday 27 April 2015

Homework classmates

Health test Tomorrow! We will be doing it during Gym

French presentation Wednesday, typed out good copy is needed

For Band and Strings people Concert May 26 6:30pm

For Vocal we have...
C major April 30
Triad Chords April 30
Sing a Song any song April 30
Compositions May 15

Okay guys that is it good bye for now (^o^)

Saturday 25 April 2015

Math Quiz!

I forgot to put this up last post but...

Math Quiz Monday!!!

Sorry i didn't put this up last post

Friday 24 April 2015

Homework Homies

My internet is back up so time for some homework!

Math Sheet due Monday

English find a short film and write the first minute of the film in a screenplay format.
Also do the other screenplay homework the one where you fix the scene, all English homework due Monday but Band and String people have Band and Strings on that day so maybe Tuesday

Health test Tuesday Mr.Lemeza will move Gym and change it to health.
The test is simply on Sex diseases and how to prevent it

French animal presentation on Wednesday

For Vocal we have...
C major April 30
Triad Chords April 30
Sing a Song any song April 30
Compositions May 15

All right that is it bye (^o^)

Thursday 23 April 2015


Sup magical puppies,

Its Delila, McGill's internet is down so I'm filling in...

We have:

Math sheet  due tomorrow

Health test Monday

 French presentation next Wednesday

Vocal traid chords April 30th

Sing a song due April 30th and C major scale due April 30th 

Tomorrow is the dance so don't forget to bring your money.

Admission= $2

Have a swagical day majestic pony's

Wednesday 22 April 2015

What time is it? 3:26 No it's Homework Time

Math Page 266 # 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 due tomorrow

Science Test tomorrow we will be doing it on period 3

Health Test is MOVED! Yes!! To next week I'm assuming

French animal project presentation April 29th

Not a lot of homework today Woo! (^o^)

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Homework children

Math Page 251 #3, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10, 16 due tomorrow

English Character due tomorrow

Science Pages 152-153 #1-4, 6-8, 13-17 due tomorrow

Science test Thursday (Mr.Cook will change English to Science)

Health test Thursday

Research animals for French

That is it have a great day! (^o^)

Monday 20 April 2015

Time For The Homework

Math sheet due tomorrow

English Character due Wednesday

Gymnastics presentation next class

Science Pages 152-153 # 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,13,14,15,16,17

Science test Thursday

Health test Thursday

Research animals for French

Good good that's it drive safe

Friday 17 April 2015

Homework time

Hey guys homework

Math Page 242 #1-7 due Monday

Gymnastics presentation next class

Science test Thursday

Health test Thursday

Research animals for French

Finish Science Page 150 #1, 2, 5, 6, 7 if you haven't already due Monday

That's it sorry for last post, that was inappropriate I should have known better sorry

Thursday 16 April 2015

lol we have homework

English Screenplay due tomorrow

Rube Goldberg poster/handout due tomorrow

Science Page 150 Questions # 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 due tomorrow

Math Page 246 Questions # 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 due tomorrow

Gymnastics presentation next class

Research animals for French

Health test next class about sex, cancer, penis, vagina that stuff

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Homework homies


Science Page 150 Questions 1,2,5,6,7

Science test next Friday

Gymnastics presentation next class

Rube Goldberg poster/handout due Friday

Wow not a lot of homework kk guy imma play with mewtwo thanks Cater by the way! :-)

Tuesday 14 April 2015


For the Home work we have...

Math test TOMORROW! It's going to be on Type 1, 2, 3, 4 equations
Inequality like
> more than/at least
< less than/fewer than
> at least
‹no more than
Define your variables, make equations stuff like that.
If you need more help go to page 406 in your math text book

The math sheet is not due but if you need practice for the test do so

Gymnastics presentation next class

Rube Goldberg poster/handout not sure when it's due maybe tomorrow

Think about the drama backwards play (we are not presenting tomorrow)

Tomorrow is the last day for the English group thing so get ready to finish it off

That is it, so remember kids look both ways before brushing your teeth

Monday 13 April 2015

Hoo Hoo Homework

For the home work for today we have...

Math pg 415 #1-13 due tomorrow

The math test has been moved to Wednesday :]

The Rube Goldberg project is FINALLY DONE BUT you still need to make a poster/handout sheet pointing out the 4 simple machines and 7 potential energys, you can take photographs or draw it out, don't know when it's due but do it if you haven't

Gymnastics presentation in 2 more classes

Think about the backwards play in drama

For vocal you have to find songs with different time signatures but I think Mr.Nate is going to forget about it soo yah

I that is it for today and now I must 360 noscope scrubs

Sunday 12 April 2015

Sorry for the late upload!

I was working on the rube goldberg project and it's one hell of a project anyways here is the homework

basically almost every thing from last post and besides we are all working on the rube goldberg project all morning so we miss lots of stuff in the morning REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR PROJECT ON MONDAY!!!!! and also dont for get to make a poster for it too.

thats it sorry for the late upload again better late then never right?

i wonder if it's possible to eat farts...

Thursday 9 April 2015

Homework for the Homies

Today for homework we have...

Math Page 410 # 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20 due tomorrow

Math test next week on Tuesday

History Test TOMORROW!!! Study up homies

Science homework Read pages 128-140 answer questions 1-7 on page 143

Science Quiz on Chapter 5 stuff like IMA Levers that stuff (date not given)

Rube Goldberg Project is due MONDAY!! So bring your project on Monday or you're basically uptown funked

Gymnastics presentation in 2 more classes

Again think about your story in drama

For Vocal find songs with time signatures 4/4 6/8 and practice the sheet with the notes

For the people that need to fix their french test do so

That is it, remember kids don't be silly wrap your willy

Wednesday 8 April 2015

It's time for Homework friends

Math sheet due tomorrow

Math test next week on Tuesday with the less than and greater than stuff

Science Read pages 128-140 and answer questions 1-7 on page 143 due Friday

Science Quiz on Chapter 5 soon dont know when but soon

Again RubeGoldberg due Monday!! So bring what you build on Monday

History test Friday, it's similer to the pre test so study up homies

Think about the drama play you'll be doing backwards about weird things

Gymnastics presentation in 2 more classes

For the people with the note on their French test to fix it do so

And I think thats it... I wonder how many people can fit on uranus

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Here's the homework for today

The Homework for today is:

Math sheet due tomorrow

Math Quiz tomorrow study

There will be a Math test next week but you don't need to worry about that now

Work on the Rube Goldberg Machine think about where you want to put your project in the gym and who your going to connect it to and such

History pre test tomorrow, it will not be mark you can use the text book for this test i think, I THINK OKAY

Drama Presentation tomorrow the one with the sheet and your doing it with your table yah that one

Gymnastics Presentation in 2 more classes

So yah thats it don't yell at me tomorrow please

Wednesday 1 April 2015


4 da homeworkk 2day wii hav

mathh sheeet due tomorrow

rube goldinburg thing due due on april 13th

history test next friday, the friday after the yummy weekend

and yah dats it drive safe

Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...