Monday 13 April 2015

Hoo Hoo Homework

For the home work for today we have...

Math pg 415 #1-13 due tomorrow

The math test has been moved to Wednesday :]

The Rube Goldberg project is FINALLY DONE BUT you still need to make a poster/handout sheet pointing out the 4 simple machines and 7 potential energys, you can take photographs or draw it out, don't know when it's due but do it if you haven't

Gymnastics presentation in 2 more classes

Think about the backwards play in drama

For vocal you have to find songs with different time signatures but I think Mr.Nate is going to forget about it soo yah

I that is it for today and now I must 360 noscope scrubs

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Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...