Friday 29 April 2016


Is everyone busy doing their Rube Goldberg project at the moment? I know I am.... For this weekend
's homework, we have:

Marking the English script
Math questions Pg 410 answer questions  7,8,10,12,13,15,18
Math Re-test on Monday
Science Sheet: Efficiency

Take it easy guys:) And have a good weekend!

Thursday 28 April 2016


Hey guys, for today's homework we have:

English script (expected to hand in at least 3-5 pages of your script)

Math Re-test is moved to Monday 

Work on your Rube Goldberg with your groups! Due date is on Monday


Wednesday 27 April 2016


Hey guys, sorry I am a bit late for posting right now but I had soccer practice... Anyways, for todays homework we have:

Math Algebraic Equations Worksheet

English-Think of a short film idea
Your main character must have a goal and obstacles to achieve the thing that they want

Work on your Rube Goldberg project with your group

It's out 40
You can't really study for it but if you understood what we have been doing in class, it is almost the same concept on the test, just apply what you know:)  But I guess one way you can prepare is, familiarize with the words in your vocabulary sheet and know your answer questions i.e. QUE,QUAND....

Tuesday 26 April 2016


Hey! For todays homework, we have:

Study for French Test: April 28 (this Thursday)
You can't really study for it but there are some ways you can help yourself to understand like studying your vocabulary sheet

 Math worksheet due tomorrow
Answer 4,5 12-17 #13 is optional. You don't do any questions asking about graphs at all.

Science textbook questions
Answer questions on Page #153-153
1-4,6-8,10,11,14 and 17

Work on the Rube Goldberg project with your group, it is most likely due on Monday....

That's all:)

Monday 25 April 2016


Rube Goldberg

There is a re-test this Friday on Math so that everyone can have a better mark...

Math: page #413 answer questions 12,15-22

Wednesday 20 April 2016


For everyone going to the trip, you MUST BE AT SCHOOL BEFORE 8:45!!!!!!!

Math textbook questions
Page 242 answer questions 1-7

And that's all:)

Tuesday 19 April 2016



So, for today's homework we have:

Art Letter Design due tomorrow 

Science Textbook questions 
Read pages 128-140
Answer questions 1-7 on page 143

English sheet 
Change his character view in the story to a lowkey ballerina 

Monday 18 April 2016

Homework! UPDATE


We have a huge math test tomorrow!
You can practice the sheets he gave us and also use problems from the textbook

French presentation is tomorrow

Your second group for history is due tomorrow, meaning we are also switching groups

You need to send Mr.Cook the script on Google drive (on email too, if that does not work)

That's it! I am pretty sure.....

Thursday 14 April 2016

Homework! UPDATE

Hey guys, have a great long weekend! Be a leader not a follower! Don't be that dead fish :) 

Script due on Monday: Check English sheet to know the proper format

Math Test next week on Tuesday: should study this weekend, test is out of 42 marks 
Homework: Page 414-415 ALL QUESTIONS!

French Dialogue due on Monday: must hand in a good copy to Mme. Parry
Presentation is on Monday as well

Not much to do.....right?

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Homework! UPDATE

Good job everyone for acing ALL the tests today! *wink wink* not really....

Trip form need to be handed in by Tuesday: Digi place

Math Test next week on Tuesday: should study this weekend! 

French Dialogue should be revised by Mme.Parry ( NO FRENCH TOMORROW BECAUSE OFFICER RICH IS COMING TO SCHOOL AT yay)

Anyways, hopefully the petition won't be continued... love ya guys too ya know. 



Tuesday 12 April 2016

Homework! NEW UPDATE!

Hey guys, sorry there was no update for a while. Y'all may stop the petition to get me fired now...I need the money to pay my rent. :)

Math Textbook questions Pg.410 questions: 6,9,11,14,16,17,19
Math Quiz Tomorrow: Inequality questions

Example: Dylan made $80 last week mowing lawns. He spent less than half of his money oh his date (poor girl) Liban only made $60 but he spent more than 1/3 on his date (poor girl) Who spent more money?

Science Quiz Tomorrow! Must know the whole lesson on Chapter 4.0 No Ideal Mechanical Advantage on the test

Vocal Quiz about parts of the guitar, study the sheet!

French Dialogue must be checked by Mme. Parry
Presentation is next week on Monday April 18


Finish French Dialogue
Study Science/Math/Vocal

Tuesday 5 April 2016


Math worksheet
Study for Math quiz: Friday
Study for Science quiz: Next week on Wednesday
Finish French Dialogue: due date TBD (to be deteremined) should be done by Friday!

Monday 4 April 2016


Math Quiz Friday

If not done, Science homework due tomorrow. See the last post for questions.

Science quiz next week 

Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...