Tuesday 26 April 2016


Hey! For todays homework, we have:

Study for French Test: April 28 (this Thursday)
You can't really study for it but there are some ways you can help yourself to understand like studying your vocabulary sheet

 Math worksheet due tomorrow
Answer 4,5 12-17 #13 is optional. You don't do any questions asking about graphs at all.

Science textbook questions
Answer questions on Page #153-153
1-4,6-8,10,11,14 and 17

Work on the Rube Goldberg project with your group, it is most likely due on Monday....

That's all:)

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Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...