Wednesday 11 October 2017

October 11

                              Welp, here it is


         For Class:
              Picture Day Tomorrow! Look your best!
              You can pay for the TIFF field trip online.
              Mr.Cook SHOULD be telling us more about the trip later. *cough cough*
  •  Math
       - finish homework worksheets for tomorrow
       - Presentations on capacity and volume start tomorrow
no video today.But if you wanna re-check something, here you go:
  •  French
     - Presentations will continue next French class
  • Science
      - Cheek cell Lab due next class
  • Health
       - continue tracking your food, work on the slides you'll present your data with.

  • Drama
      -  Mr. Cook will make groups for the silent play next class.

  • Language
      - For all who are re-doing their Essay, its due next Monday the 16th

Meme of the day,

That SpongeBob shirt stares into your SOUL

1 comment:

  1. Did Mr.Sammut say we had to do some type of fitness blast or was I hearing something


Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...