Friday 13 October 2017

October 13

                        So, we're here again?

Classroom Stuff:
Fill out the form for the TIFF trip ASAP. $10 + Bus fare. More on trip later in class. Although Mr.Cook should really be telling us sooner about it. *Has coughing seizure*

  •  Math 
    - No quizzez today, AND no video today. But a video will be uploaded at either Saturday or                   Sunday.
  •  French
    - Any live presentations for the Restaurant project are to be done (unless your group is away at             cross-country or something).
  •  Health
    - continue tracking your food, work on the slides you'll present your data with.
  • Language
      - For all who are re-doing their Essay, its due next Monday the 16th. Just a reminder.

  • Geography
      - Finish the worksheet given by next class.

  • Drama 
     -  Mr.Cook will make groups for the silent play next drama class

 And now, the Meme of the day:

Image result for halloween memes
I'm sorry.

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Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...