Wednesday 25 October 2017

October 25

                         Bonjour,mon ami

 Classroom Stuff:
So we won the pumpkin contest!! I knew it! This means we get a free entry ONCE into the haunted house(how spoopy). Anyways, I've got some updates. Tomorrow is the school movie! We're watching A Series of Unfortunate Events, but if you don't wan't to watch, then after lunch, you can chill at the library or something.
Pop is $1
Popcorn (Ziploc bag) is 50 cents

  •  Vocals (wait we have a vocals tab now???)
     - Watch "The Secret Path" by Gord Downie
        and write an essay about it, refer to the sheet he gave us.
  •  Science 
     - Finish homework on page 42 (questions 1-5)

  •  Math
     - no video tonight (I presume)

  •  Geography
   - Work on slideshow pressie on why Haiti and Dominican Republic are so different, yet so close together.CHILL, WE HAVE TIME TO WORK ON IT TOMORROW AS WELL.

  • Drama 
      - Work on silent play with your newly assigned group.

And now, the Meme of the day:
Image result for meme

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Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...