Tuesday 31 October 2017

October 31

               'Tis the night of Hallow's Eve

Classroom Stuff:

   So nothing much here! I dunno if my job as website person is over though, but if it is, I've had a good run with y'all! Anyways, happy Halloween! Stay safe out there, and DON'T get yourselves killed... (pfftt, Sarah, how dumb do you think they ARE?). yeah you're right... well haPPY HALLOWEEN MY SPOOKIES!

  •  Vocals (wait we have a vocals tab now???)
           - Mr.Nath gave us an extension for the due date, its DUE THIS FRIDAY!
  •  Science 
              - Choose a topic (from the list) for your science project on cells and DNA and genetics
     you can make a 15 slide slideshow, 8 panel comic (4 panels a page), or video. THIS IS DUE                NOVEMBER 7, mark it on your calendar if you need to.

  •  Math
              - no video or homework tonight,( wow, not many videos this past we-*everyone:SHUT UP DON'T REMIND HIM)
              - QUIZ/QUIZZIZ TOMORROW, certain people will get paper quizzes, others will get an online Quizziz

  •  Geography
             - Work on the sheet he gave us, answers are in the textbook DUE THIS THURSDAY!

And now, the Meme of the day:

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Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...