Tuesday 31 October 2017

October 31

               'Tis the night of Hallow's Eve

Classroom Stuff:

   So nothing much here! I dunno if my job as website person is over though, but if it is, I've had a good run with y'all! Anyways, happy Halloween! Stay safe out there, and DON'T get yourselves killed... (pfftt, Sarah, how dumb do you think they ARE?). yeah you're right... well haPPY HALLOWEEN MY SPOOKIES!

  •  Vocals (wait we have a vocals tab now???)
           - Mr.Nath gave us an extension for the due date, its DUE THIS FRIDAY!
  •  Science 
              - Choose a topic (from the list) for your science project on cells and DNA and genetics
     you can make a 15 slide slideshow, 8 panel comic (4 panels a page), or video. THIS IS DUE                NOVEMBER 7, mark it on your calendar if you need to.

  •  Math
              - no video or homework tonight,( wow, not many videos this past we-*everyone:SHUT UP DON'T REMIND HIM)
              - QUIZ/QUIZZIZ TOMORROW, certain people will get paper quizzes, others will get an online Quizziz

  •  Geography
             - Work on the sheet he gave us, answers are in the textbook DUE THIS THURSDAY!

And now, the Meme of the day:

Thursday 26 October 2017

October 26

    hello people who actually check the website

Classroom Stuff:

So we won the pumpkin contest!! I knew it! This means we get a free entry ONCE into the haunted house(how spoopy). Haunted House and the Halloween Fashion show is on Tuesday October 31.

  •  Vocals (wait we have a vocals tab now???)
  •      - Watch "The Secret Path" by Gord Downie
               - And write an essay about it, refer to the sheet he gave us. DUE TOMORROW
               -  oh and by the way, make sure you have an artist you want to talk about as well.(unless he                    spends the WHOLE period talking about the movie).

  •  Science 
              - Choose a topic (from the list) for your science project on cells and DNA and genetics
     you can make a 15 slide slideshow, 8 panel comic (4 panels a page), or video. THIS IS DUE                NOVEMBER 7, mark it on your calendar if you need to. 
  •  Math
              - no video or homework tonight
  •  Geography
              - Work on slideshow pressie on why Haiti and Dominican Republic are so different, yet so close together, DUE NEXT CLASS
  • Drama 
      - Work on silent play with your newly assigned group.

 And now, the Meme of the day:
When a test is tomorrow and you just can't study anymore.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

October 25

                         Bonjour,mon ami

 Classroom Stuff:
So we won the pumpkin contest!! I knew it! This means we get a free entry ONCE into the haunted house(how spoopy). Anyways, I've got some updates. Tomorrow is the school movie! We're watching A Series of Unfortunate Events, but if you don't wan't to watch, then after lunch, you can chill at the library or something.
Pop is $1
Popcorn (Ziploc bag) is 50 cents

  •  Vocals (wait we have a vocals tab now???)
     - Watch "The Secret Path" by Gord Downie
        and write an essay about it, refer to the sheet he gave us.
  •  Science 
     - Finish homework on page 42 (questions 1-5)

  •  Math
     - no video tonight (I presume)

  •  Geography
   - Work on slideshow pressie on why Haiti and Dominican Republic are so different, yet so close together.CHILL, WE HAVE TIME TO WORK ON IT TOMORROW AS WELL.

  • Drama 
      - Work on silent play with your newly assigned group.

And now, the Meme of the day:
Image result for meme

Monday 23 October 2017

October 23

                      How you doin'?   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

 Classroom Stuff:
Make sure you pay for the TIFF trip ($10+ bus fare if you even pay, if you know what I mean *wink wink*) in cash or online. Trip is this Wednesday  October 25! 

  •  Vocals (wait we have a vocals tab now???)
     - Watch "The Secret Path" by Gord Downie
        and write an essay about it, refer to the sheet he gave us.

  •  Science 
      - Finish worksheet on surface area of cells
  •  Math
      -  Quiz Tomorrow! Good luck!
      - no homework tonight

  •  Health
       - Finish work on slides about your health. Mr. Cook gave us a worksheet telling how to add up              the info and chart it. DUE TOMORROW! (well Raam doesn't have to worry about                            anything,props to him)
  •  Geography
      - Work on slideshow pressie on why Haiti and Dominican Republic are so different, yet so close            together.
  • Drama 
      - Work on silent play with your newly assigned group.

And now, the Meme of the day ( i didn't know what to do):

Image result for meme face (play Thomas the Tank Engine theme)

Thursday 19 October 2017

October 19


 Classroom Stuff:
Make sure you pay for the TIFF trip ($10+ bus fare) in cash or online. Trip is next week Wednesday  October 25! 

  •  Science 
      - Finish worksheet on surface area of cells
  •  Math
      - Finish worksheet on circles
      no video tonight, YAYYAYAYYAY!
  •  Health
       - Start work on slides about your health. Mr. Cook gave us a worksheet telling how to add up the          info and chart it.
  •  Geography
      - Textbook questions worksheet due next geography class

  • Drama 
      - Work on silent play with your newly assigned group.

And now, the Meme of the day:
Image result for relatable school memes     

Wednesday 18 October 2017

October 18

        Hi-ho, hi-ho, its back to the website we go.

Classroom Stuff:

BTW sorry about this being INSANELY LATE, for any who went to the meeting at 6:30, you know why. But anyways, make sure you pay for the TIFF trip ($10+ bus fare) in cash or online.

  •  Science
       - may the odds be ever in your favor with the test.
  • Math 
       - Quizziz assigned today, due on Thursday October 19 at 9 A.M (before school)
 Math Websiteee
  •  French
          - Do your live presentations tomorrow (*glares* you know who you are..) UNLESS, your group is away at cross-country or any other event.

  •       Health 
  •  - Start work on slides about your health. Mr. Cook gave us a worksheet telling how to add up the info and chart it.
  •  Geography
     - Keep working on the worksheet, due NEXT GEOGRAPHY CLASS.

  • Drama 
      - Work on silent play with your newly assigned group.

And now, the Meme of the day:
Image result for im late meme
I'm so so sorry

Tuesday 17 October 2017

October 17

                            Here it is, I guess

Classroom Stuff:
Make sure you pay for the TIFF trip ($10+ bus fare) in cash or online. Pumpkin carving is tomorrow at lunch! Make sure to let one of the class reps know if you want to help out!

  •  Science
      - Science project is due Wednesday October 18th, any late projects= ZERO. Remember to at               least have one run-through of your project (for the edible ones) juuusssst in case.
      - QUIZ tomorrow on the following
        Osmosis is diffusion of water through a membrane from an area of higher concentration to an             area of low concentration (on page 26-27)
        Organelles and what they do (on page 18-19)
        Parts of a Microscope (on page 14)
        How to Label and organism under the microscope
        Cell theory (on page 13)
  •  Math
      - Worksheets on circumference and area both due tomorrow
      - Quizziz assigned today, due on Thursday October 19 at 9 A.M (before school)

  •  French
      - Do your live presentations tomorrow (*glares* you know who you are..) UNLESS, your group            is away at cross-country or any other event.
  •  Health
       - Start work on slides about your health. Mr. Cook gave us a worksheet telling how to add up the          info and chart it.
  •  Language
      - Worksheet on metaphors to be taken up tomorrow.
  •  Geography
     - Keep working on the worksheet, due NEXT GEOGRAPHY CLASS.
  • Drama 
      - Work on silent play with your newly assigned group.

And now, the Meme of the day:
Image result for student memes


Monday 16 October 2017

October 16

                                 Well hello,

Classroom Stuff:
 Make sure you pay for the TIFF trip ($10+ bus fare) in cash or online. And Mr.Cook has indeed told us about it *satisfied nod*. Well, we didn't come in the top 3 door decorating contest *sigh*. But that doesn't mean the end of it! Looking forward to the pumpkin carving contest! Let's go 7/8B !

  •  Science
      - Science project is due Wednesday October 18th, any late projects= ZERO. Remember to at               least have one run-through of your project (for the edible ones) juuusssst in case.
  •  Math
      - Math video today (awwww) that comes with a handout, 
  •  French
      - Do your live presentations tomorrow (*glares* you know who you are..) UNLESS, your group            is away at corss-country or any other event.
  •  Health
      -  Finish up your tracking sheets,(ATTENTION: the project does NOT need to be done                      tomorrow, Mr.Cook will tell us what to do with the info we have and how to organize it)              more on what to do tomorrow.

  •  Language
      - Finish the worksheet on metaphors for tomorrow. 
  •  Geography
     - Keep working on the worksheet, due NEXT GEOGRAPHY CLASS.
  • Drama 
     -  Mr.Cook will make groups for the silent play next drama class, A.K.A tomorrow,

And now, the Meme of the day:
Image result for school memes

Friday 13 October 2017

October 13

                        So, we're here again?

Classroom Stuff:
Fill out the form for the TIFF trip ASAP. $10 + Bus fare. More on trip later in class. Although Mr.Cook should really be telling us sooner about it. *Has coughing seizure*

  •  Math 
    - No quizzez today, AND no video today. But a video will be uploaded at either Saturday or                   Sunday.
  •  French
    - Any live presentations for the Restaurant project are to be done (unless your group is away at             cross-country or something).
  •  Health
    - continue tracking your food, work on the slides you'll present your data with.
  • Language
      - For all who are re-doing their Essay, its due next Monday the 16th. Just a reminder.

  • Geography
      - Finish the worksheet given by next class.

  • Drama 
     -  Mr.Cook will make groups for the silent play next drama class

 And now, the Meme of the day:

Image result for halloween memes
I'm sorry.

Thursday 12 October 2017

October 12

                         Oh, hello there.

 Classroom Stuff:
Fill out the form for the TIFF trip ASAP. $10 + Bus fare. More on trip later in class. Although Mr.Cook should really be telling us sooner about it. *cough COUGH*
Our Door Decorating contest is tomorrow! Cross your fingers!

  • Math
      - No video today! YAY! <(0o0)>
      - Oh wait, there will be one TOMORROW though, also a quizzes will be
         assigned tomorrow ,too. *face palm*
  • French
      - Presentations will continue next French class

  • Health
      - continue tracking your food, work on the slides you'll present your data with.

  • Drama 
      -  Mr.Cook will make groups for the silent play next drama class.

  • Language
      - For all who are re-doing their Essay, its due next Monday the 16th. Just a reminder.

  • Science
      - The Edible Cell (or not edible) is due on October 18. Any late projects are marked ZERO.

 And now, the Meme of the day:

 This is me also.

Wednesday 11 October 2017

October 11

                              Welp, here it is


         For Class:
              Picture Day Tomorrow! Look your best!
              You can pay for the TIFF field trip online.
              Mr.Cook SHOULD be telling us more about the trip later. *cough cough*
  •  Math
       - finish homework worksheets for tomorrow
       - Presentations on capacity and volume start tomorrow
no video today.But if you wanna re-check something, here you go:
  •  French
     - Presentations will continue next French class
  • Science
      - Cheek cell Lab due next class
  • Health
       - continue tracking your food, work on the slides you'll present your data with.

  • Drama
      -  Mr. Cook will make groups for the silent play next class.

  • Language
      - For all who are re-doing their Essay, its due next Monday the 16th

Meme of the day,

That SpongeBob shirt stares into your SOUL

Tuesday 10 October 2017

October 10

                              Okay, so here's the deal

Classroom Things
 So make sure you pay for the TIFF trip (more on that in class) you can also pay online.

  • Math
       - Presentations start tomorrow
       - Homework video tonight (mayybbeeee) by 6 o'clock
       - video comes with a reference sheet
For your convenience:
Math Website (oh the horror)
  • French
       - Presentations continue tomorrow

  • Science
       - Continue Lab next period
  • Health
       - continue tracking your food, work on the slides you'll present your data with.
  • Drama
       - get in a group to make a silent play (no words)

  • Art
        *tumbleweed rolls across page*
       - nothing here, work is in class sooooooo not much to prepare for......

Kitteh Smile



Thursday, November 8th, 2018!

Todays  Homework  Is... Drama: - Greek myth re-enactments History: - Project due  Tuesday Math: - Problem of the Week due tomorrow ...